How to add new students to LanExamMaker

 Add a new student to LanExamMaker, so he or she can login in and take the exams you have assign to the group the student belongs to.


Before you add a new student, you should have a group, so let us create a group first.

Goto the dashboard, navigate to the group page

Click the New Group button


Enter your group name, click save button.

At the right there is a action link, click it, will pop up a action menu

You will find Add a student menu item, or Get students register URL. 

If you want to add a new student, then click the first menu item. The "Get students register URL" menu item will give you a URL, you may send this URL to your students, let them navigate to this URL, fill in the blanks, submit the form to add themselves as a student of the group.


After you clicked the Add a student menu item

fill in the blanks, and click the add button, a new student will be added to the group.

You will be informed that the student's default password is 123456789, and he should change their password at the first login.