In order to give back to the the regular users and the new friends, the Smlme team, who have developed a powerful and smart LAN Exam Maker, are launching a Christmas Promtion-provide 50% Off.
From the officail website of Smlme, during the activity, the LAN Exam Maker is 50% off. The Deadline is Dec.25th, 2018
That means, one now do have the chance to their LAN Exam Maker and take 50% off !
It is understood that it is the first time that Smlme provide such favorable price.
Here are the price detail for reference:
The Standard Version is low to $399.5.
The Professional Version is low to $449.5.
"it is the Unprecedented Price should Not be Missed!" A staff of the team said, "If you need our LAN Exam Maker, JUST BUY IT with the coupon code: DKLXQMJR or click to our official webise( to buy it."
Published Date:10:15pm, December 12th, 2018