LAN exam system v4.17.0 version update

LAN Exam Maker System v4.17. 0 The LAN test system provides all the conveniences and can easily prepare multiple test papers on the Internet.


The system has added the following functions:

1. Added the function of test question label management

2. Added a new mode for filling in the blanks

3. Added statistical analysis function to export multiple test papers by group

4. Added the setting of certificate authority


5. Added audio and video functions in the analysis of test questions

6. Optimized the test question import to recognize some special formulas

7. Optimized the logic of exam starting and handover

8. Optimized the certificate editing logic and interface

9. Fixed the permission error of the sub-administrator to delete the test paper

10. Fixed the problem of incorrect score calculation of comprehension questions under special circumstances

11. Fixed the problem that the remarks of the score in the essay question are displayed abnormally in comprehension questions

Unlimited or paid licenses for mock tests, detailed study plans, multiple options for exam preparation, and online tutorials. If you purchase the entire package, it also offers a free lifetime trial.


With the LAN exam system, you don't need to wait for the exam results, you can take the exam after you finish all the exams. This will save you time and provide you with instant results. Many students have proven that the LAN exam system is the best tool for preparing multiple choice questions, written exams, and diagnostic exams