Recently, Online Exam Maker updated LAN version V4.19.0, let’s see the changes in the new version.
Update of new style
It has updated the style of the exam record page, the exam record will be clearer, and you can see data such as the number of candidates, the number of people who have taken the exam, and the number of absentees.

system optimization
- Optimized candidate classification and test paper operation experience
- Optimized the data update problem of clicking next paper when correcting the test papers
- Optimized the face detection process during exams
- Optimized the opening speed of the exam details page
- Optimized multiple exception styles on the mobile side
- Fixed rendering of special exam questions in candidate reports
- Fixed the logic of repeated test questions in random selection of Prize Quiz
The above is the changes of new V4.19.0 version of LAN exam maker, please have a try!
Published Date:05:46am, April 26th, 2022