Our LAN Exam Maker is not only support to create online exam, but also can be used to create questionnaire to do any research now because the questionnaire module is online!
How to create a questionnaire with this new function? Here is the guide for users.
Firstly, login the system and click the [Questionnaire] on the left. Secondly, click the [+ New Questionnaire] to the creating page.
a). The first step to create a new questionnaire is to fill the title and choose the information you want to collect from the investigators.
b). The second step is to add the research questions you want ask. Our questionnaire support to add multiple choice questions, essay question and support to answers with loading file.
c). The third step is to do some setting such as the deadline, the filling times and so on.
d). The fourth step is to choose the theme or upload a image to make the questionnaire more beautiful.
Finally, save the questionnaire.
After finishing the questionnaire, users share the link or QR code to other to complete the questionnaire!
Published Date:04:34am, August 8th, 2019